The Dayton Rotary Club met this past week for their weekly meeting. Member Dr. Luke Chachere led the group in their opening prayer with member Refugio Gonzalez leading the club in the pledges. Rotarian Brook Hiller introduced Larry Wilburn who brought several of his paintings for the Club to view...
Read moreThe Dayton Rotary Club was truly ‘ treated’ by the founders of the Sketchy Fudge company. Rotarian Lisa Vauter had the program for the day...
Read moreDAYTON - The Dayton Rotary Club inducted two new members.
Read moreDistrict 2-S-2 L-3 Zone Chairman and Dayton Noon Lions Club President Mike George attended the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Calgary, Alberta Sept. 15 - 17.
Read moreKENEFICK - The Kenefick Activity Club met for their scheduled meeting on Sept. 20 at the Kenefick Community Building...
Read moreThe Dayton Noon Lions Club delivered approximately $550.00 worth of educational, school supplies, journals and other personal hygiene items for the many children who come to Bridgehaven Children’s Advocacy Center without so much as a toothbrush.
Read moreThe Dayton Rotary Club was given a presentation over the LCC (L. Chachere Cattle) company which was established in 2002. Owners Dr. Luke Chachere and his son, Dr. Lukas Chachere are proud of their family-oriented business...
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