The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Libertad Chapter, recently celebrated its 90th birthday during the chapter’s annual “Constitution Day Luncheon.” At
Read moreDAYTON — The Dayton Rotary Club was presented with an informative program over currency and money. Rotary Member, Rachel Ansley introduced Ms. Ann Daniel Rogers. She graciously shared her vast collection of currency that she had acquired throughout the years and told the Rotarians some interesting facts of the history of money.
Read moreLIBERTY — The Liberty County Republican Women’s Club held their July meeting at New Work Family Worship Center to hear a program on the “weaponization” of the legal system, presented by Rachel Hooper, who serves as general counsel to the Republican Party of Texas.
Read moreLIBERTY – The Liberty County Historical Commission will gather for its quarterly meeting this month and will hear a special program DNA in genealogy and crime solving.
Read moreThe Liberty County Republican Women invite the community to join them at their upcoming meeting. The LCRW will gather again at New Work Fellowship Church on Tuesday, July 16, at 6 p.m.
Read moreThe Trivium Club of Liberty celebrated its year-end meeting on May 14 in the home of Julie Hubley.
Read moreThe Dayton Rotary Club recently heard an update on one of Dayton’s City Parks and improvements to the facility.
Read moreThe Kenefick Activity Cub finished up the 2023- 2024 year at the “Hitchin Post” in Kenefick with a wonderful meal catered by Larry and Denise Wilburn.
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