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County hosts info meeting on drainage study

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  • Article Image Alt Text
    Area residents share first-hand knowledge with zoning experts about the habits of recent floods and fail points for drainage routes.  The Progress | Chris Cody 
  • Article Image Alt Text
    Chambers County Commissioner Pct. 1 Jimmy Gore saddles the stage to assure constituents that drainage concerns have been heard and are being addressed. The Progress | Chris Cody 

Officials wrapped up a recent round of informational meetings last week on the efforts underway to revamp drainage efforts throughout Chambers County. 

Discussions during the meeting included the cost, which comes in at a total of $6.2 million, with the county footing the bill for $1.2 million of the project costs. Most funding comes via grants and loans from the Flood Infrastructure Fund. 

Those funds are a part of the Texas Water Development Board’s Flood Protection Plan Project, as the TWDB collects and disseminates water-related data and assists with regional water supply and flood planning, contributing to repairing state water plans. 

The Chambers County study will evaluate all water flowing to and through the county to improve flood control and mitigation projects. 

The Flood Protection Project prioritizes structural and non-structural measures before a flood event, and the project was deemed necessary in response to the county’s past and recent flooding events. 

The county plan will be structured in four phases: Data Collection, Assessment, Planning and Deliverability.