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Dayton and Cleveland chambers prepare for Capital visit

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Last week the 88th Texas Legislature convened; with session underway, leaders from across the state are hard at work, and now plans for a contingent from Liberty County to visit Austin are in full swing.

The Dayton Chamber of Commerce originated an effort to take local business and community leaders to Austin. Plans have now expanded to include the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce.

Liberty County Chamber Day is set for Thursday, Feb. 23, and will provide an opportunity to build stronger relationships with State Rep. Ernest Bailes and State Sen. Robert Nichols and their staff.

“ The Chamber is excited to take some of its members to Capitol Days to represent Liber- ty County. There will be representatives from local churches, businesses, and the City of Dayton. This is a great time for these chamber representatives to advocate for our city/ county to our representatives at the state capitol. Representative Ernest Bailes’ staff has planned an informative day for our attendees also. This event will help build relationships between our local leaders to help improve Liberty County,” said Dayton Chamber Director of Member Services Staci Wise.

Wise and Director of Community Outreach Norma Stephens are excited the scope has grown to include the Greater Cleveland Chamber after talks between both organizations.

“I’m looking forward to joining with the Dayton Chamber of Commerce to visit the Capitol for ‘Liberty County Day’ this year. Our members enjoy attending this event and appreciate the tours and legislative education provided by Representative Bailes and Senator Nichols. I’m glad we are able to attend as a county representation as opposed to just our city, as we share a lot of the same legislative concerns,” said Greater Cleveland Chamber Vice President and COO Victoria Good.

There will be a full day of activities, including a Capital tour, special guest speakers, lunch sponsored by Bailes and Nichols, and a unique program entitled “Workforce & Education Needs in Liberty County” by the T.L.L Temple Foundation. There will also be a special meet and greet with Nichols and Bailes, followed by an offi cial photo in the House Chamber.

The Dayton Chamber has reserved a block of rooms for the trip the night before, and you can call them at 936-257-2393 for more information.

The Greater Cleveland Chamber is working on details to charter transportation to the event, and you can reach them for more information at 281-592-8786.