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Cutting the cable cord

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Learning to live a simple life is not always the easiest skill to learn, especially when it comes to our finances and our habits.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has not been much to do other than watch television to occupy time during the shutdown of the country. Television has allowed some escape from the stress of the outbreak hitting our nation and has helped us pass the time while being forced to stay home. This means you are paying a monthly fee to relax and pass the time and that can add quickly to an already tight budget.

Consumers pay around $100 a month for cable tv, and can watch over boo different channels, but did you know out of all those channels, most of us only watch 10 to 15 channels? So why pay $100 a month for something we do not use. You would be surprised at how much money you can save by cutting the cable cord while watching as much tv as you want.

Instead of having a cable bill, try using a digital antenna which can be purchased for less than $20 at your local Walmart or ordered online and shipped straight to your door. It hooks up to your television and allows you to watch local digital channels for free.

You can in or screen your cell phone to your tv and watch all your downloaded videos or movies for free.

As research shows, most households own at least one Smart TV that uses Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, or Apple to stream channels and movies. Multiple streaming services and apps can be downloaded on these devices. One of the most popular apps is Netflix and you can watch several hundred movies and shows for less than $18 a month. Another great app is Pluto TV, a free app with over 100 free channels to watch, including movies, sports, and children’s programs.

There are many free and low-cost options to help you cut the cable cord and gain more financial freedom to your new norm. This is just one little step closer to achieving the simple little life.

If you have any tips or tricks you would like to share on financial freedom or just simplify your life, email me at