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Constable’s office provides firearms training to members of local nonprofit

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    Liberty County Pct. 6 Constable Zack Harkness hosted a firearms training course for the women of the local nonprofit Heaven’s Army. Contributed Photos
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    Members of local nonprofit Heaven’s Army participated in firearms training provided by the Liberty County Pct. 6 Constable’s Office.

Local nonprofit Heaven’s Army has grown substantially over its fifteen- year tenure within the community. During that time, the organization has helped countless women and victims of abuse, domestic violence, and trafficking.

Many women have been helped further by the organization as they reside in Heaven’s Army Home of Amazing Grace, which allows its residents to better themselves through various means, such as attending classes offered by the organization and providing business opportunities, support and compassion.

Liberty County Pct. 6 Constable Zack Harkness and fellow officers met with current residents to provide a lesson on gun safety. The women were also invited to put their knowledge into action by practicing shooting at the gun range located at Trinity Armory.

“My goal was to build a positive relationship between the ladies, who have been victims of abuse and told that law enforcement would not help them, and law enforcement,” said Heaven’s Army founder LaNora Purvis.

Purvis was eager to help dispel the thought process held by many victims of domestic violence or abuse, which tells them that law enforcement will not come to their aid if they are in need. Many abuse victims are discouraged from contacting law enforcement by their abusers. Fostering a positive relationship between the women and law enforcement is one step in erasing that stigma.

“ LaNora Purvis and Heaven’s Army tirelessly serve our community,” said Liberty County Pct. 6 Constable Zack Harkness. “The Pct. 6 Constable’s Office decided that we wanted to express our gratitude for their hard work and support by providing firearms training and instruction.”

Purvis also hopes that the women who participated in the firearms training feel empowered by the knowledge they gained as they continue their journey to take their lives back from negative influences and abusers. Local law enforcement strives to educate community members on firearms usage and safety, hoping that doing so provides a sense of security and trust within the community.

“As an agency, we realize the importance of community relationships and how these types of partnerships build trust and cooperation within a community,” said Harkness.