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Christian young adults group to have first meeting Sept. 12

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Young adult Christians looking to build friendships and connections with others in the community are invited to attend the inaugural meeting of a newly- formed social group.

The first meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 12, at Grace Church Liberty, 1935 N Hwy 146, Liberty.

“We look forward to a great night seeing young adults come together from Liberty County for community and for their growth in their relationships with God. In the time we’re living in, a sense of community in young adults is needed now more than ever,” said Pastor Clint Sylvester.

This will be a potluck dinner, so everyone is encouraged to bring some type of food or drink to share with others. There will be a meet-and-greet, followed by the naming of the club by vote, and board games and activities. If you have a board game you would like to play, please bring it with you.

The events calendar for the coming months will also be discussed. Some of the future outings being considered include bowling, movie nights, game nights, scavenger hunts and holiday get-togethers.

While this organizational meeting is being held at Grace Church, the invitation is open to any and all young Christians from ages 18-30. It is the goal to have future gatherings at other local churches in Liberty County as well as Grace Church.

The goal of the group is to unite and encourage like-minded young Christians through friendship and faith, fostering new relationships grounded in God. Bring food and a friend for fellowship and the start of this new group!

For more information, call Alexia at 936- 6417027.