Youth Project Show just around the corner
ANAHUAC— It’s that time of the year again as the Chambers County Youth Project Show is upon us with many festivities on the calendar, from pageants to livestock shows, rodeos and so much more.
The Queens Contest will kick off this year’s events on Saturday, March 29, at Whites Park in Anahuac. The pageant includes girls of all age divisions who compete to win scholarships and prizes.
A $500 scholarship will be awarded to the winner of the Senior Queen Division. Winners of each division will receive a crown, buckle and sash. Runners-up will receive a buckle and sash.
Friday, April 11, will be the Women’s Ranch Rodeo with free admission. The rodeo will begin at 7 p.m. and include doctoring, ranch sorting and mugging.
Saturday, April 12, will begin with Coffee with the Cowboys starting at 8 a.m., followed by Cowboy Church, beginning at 9 a.m. at the White Memorial Park Community Building in Anahuac.
Sponsors and contestants can fill their stomachs in preparation for the rodeo with the Sponsor and Contestant Lunch at 11 a.m.
The Open Ranch Rodeo begins at 1 p.m. The admission fee for adults is $10. Entry for kids, seniors and veterans is free. All proceeds will benefit The Chambers County Youth Project Show.
The rodeo will include branding, ranch sorting, double mugging, and mutton bustin’. At 6 p.m., the top 10 teams will compete in the finals with doctoring and wild cow milking.
At both rodeos, vendor booths and food trucks will be available for attendees to purchase local goodies.
There are still multiple sponsorship options available for the Open Ranch Rodeo. A Bronze Sponsor is $250 and includes recognition by the rodeo announcer during the Saturday, April 12 event and your company/name listed in the event program.
A Silver Spur Sponsor is $500 and includes two VIP wrist bands for April 12, recognition by the rodeo announcer during the event, a 4x4 banner displayed inside the arena the entire week of the Project Show and your company/name listed in the event program.
A Gold Buckle Sponsor is $1,000 and includes two VIP wristbands for April 12, recognition by the rodeo announcer during the event, a 5x8 banner displayed inside the area the entire week of the show and your company/name listed in the event program.
A Platinum Sponsor is $2,500 and includes two VIP parking passes to use all weekend, six VIP wrist bands for April 12, recognition by the rodeo announcer during the event, a 6x10 banner displayed in the area the entire week and your company/name listed in the event program.
Funds from sponsorships go directly to the youth exhibitors and help them sell their projects through the barn sale or auction.
On April 26, beginning at 8 a.m., the Horse Show will go on all day in the arena, with many events and horses to support and admire.
Now through April 7, you can enter projects for the Exhibit Hall, which will have a “Run for the Roses” theme. There are food, art, history, science, horticulture, industrial arts and photography divisions. You can show off your fabric skills, embellished textiles, fiber arts, home decorating, personal accessories and crafts.
The project check is on April 29. You can enter online at For questions, contact Brittany Jones at or by calling 409-374-2123.
April 30 to May 3 will be the livestock portion of the Project Show. Multiple events will be happening throughout the day as young students compete.
The purpose of the Chambers County Youth Project Show is to provide an opportunity for young residents of Chambers County to meet and have friendly competition to exhibit and potentially auction livestock projects.
For any questions about the event, visit the Project Show office at 508 Main St. in Anahuac, call 409-267-2692, or email