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State Recognition Given to Summer Job Program Students

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    A celebration was held for students in the local Summer Job Program. Shown above are Anahuac Municipal Development District (AMDD) board member Sean Perry, AHS Principal Tammy Duhon, AHS Counselor B. J. Garcia, AMDD Office Manager Annette Abernathy, Interim Superintendent Dr. Cody Abshier, AMDD Chairperson Janice Jircik, Alyssa Humphrey, District Director Susan LeBlanc, Travis Chandler, business owner Lisa Sutch, AMDD board member Monica Rodriguez and AMDD board member Kenneth Miller. The Progress | Sue Hawthorne

A group of hardworking Anahuac ISD students have been honored for their efforts in a summer work program. 

Students in the Anahuac Municipal Development District Summer Job Program were treated July 31 to a barbecue and recognition from District 23 Texas Representative Terri Leo Wilson.  

District Director Susan LeBlanc spoke on Rep. Wilson’s behalf, commending the students for their participation in the program and presenting each with a Certificate of Appreciation.  

Two of the seven students in the program attended the celebration, hosted by AMDD Office Manager Annette Abernathy. Others attending were AMDD board members as well as Anahuac ISD personnel and community members.