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Whitley brings the program to Rotary

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The Dayton Rotary Club welcomed one of their own, Kory Whitley, as he brought the program over the history of the local business Frank’s Collision. Interestingly, when Kory graduated from high school, he was hired at a newly opened company in Baytown by Frank McClosky called Frank’s Collision. “Established in 2003, Frank’s Collision Repair works hard every day to provide exceptional collision repair work and customer service. We work with dozens of insurance companies, and we provide free estimates to ensure you always receive a fair deal,” stated Whitley. Then in 2009, they expanded the business and opened up the Dayton location and Whitley became Dayton’s location manager. The Dayton location started out with only 3 employees and today houses 17 employees. Frank’s Collision’s good reputation and business continued to grow and they expanded their facilities. In 2013, their Crosby location opened. According to Kory, they still had a huge business and many repeat customers, so another location opened in Clear Lake in 2017. Frank’s Collision was still not finished expanding as they established their La Porte location in 2018 and then in 2021 they opened up their CRC (Complex Repair Center) facility. Frank’s business continued to expand, this time in the Texas City area in 2022.

Kory went into detail that the newer the car, the more complicated it is to work on due to all of the technology and wiring. Interesting, some cars have over 5,000 ft. of wiring in them. Despite the compounding of the parts and supply chain issues over the last few years, Frank’s Collision continues to thrive. Whitley, was promoted to VP of Operations and proudly told the Rotarians “Frank’s is recognized as a leader in their industry and was recently honored in one of their industry magazines highlighting their new techniques and mixing machine. Not only has their number of facilities expanded over the years, but also so has the number of employees. In 2003 when the Baytown’s business opened, they had 15 employees. Today they train and employ 150 folks.

There were many testimonies amongst the Dayton Rotary Club at the end of Kory’s presentation. President Tami Pierce thanked him for the program and led the club in the 4-Way Test before dismissing the Rotarians.