Your two cents...
Do you feel Liberty County communities are prepared for Hurricane season?
Bill Griffin
“I believe the County and Cities are as ready as they can be for something so unpredictable.”
Charlotte Reed
“Plum grove floods w just a few inches of rain, the roads are impassable and takes an hour to get the 2 miles out of town every morning. Evacuation would be a complete nightmare and probably deadly. Cleveland is much better but still, too many people on roads not meant for that many.”
Debra Kay Barker
“Actions speak louder than words! Liberty County’s actions say they don’t really care what I feel.”
Evelyn Abraham
“Residents, yes, county leaders, definitely not...get the drainage/ditches cleaned out!!!”
Shirley Jackson
“Due to the poor drainage throughout Liberty County, we have flooding issues just with heavy rain showers.
I know it’s not just a “one area” flooding issue; it’s unfortunately throughout Liberty County. Flooding not only through rain showers but from the release of water from Lake Houston, especially when we cannot handle one more ounce of water.
This has been an issue for years. I wish I had the “fix-all” answer. We desperately need one!”
Tina Friesland
“No, ditches need to be cleaned. Drainage needs to be improved. Nothing has been done to improve our drainage on 146 even though our whole subdivision was underwater during Harvey.”