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Craig P. Girard announces candidacy

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Craig P. Girard is announcing his intention to seek election to the Liberty Independent School District (LISD) Board of Trustees, Position #4. Craig grew up in Connecticut and holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in business management, specifically focused on information systems and healthcare management. He has a results-driven 20-plus year career working in quality management, primarily with physicians and nurses, leading large teams in healthcare process improvement and cost containment.

Driven to give back and work hard, he has 15 years of recent experience volunteering on non-profit boards in organizations delivering services to people with physical and developmental disabilities and is currently the Board President at SpiritHorse Liberty (4 years). SpiritHorse is a horseback riding or equine therapy company that assists children/others with autism and other disabilities here in Liberty.

Craig’s family is also hard-working and enjoys giving back in Liberty. He has been married to his wife Claudia for over 20 years. Claudia is a paraprofessional worker at San Jacinto Elementary who was recently recognized as one of four paraprofessionals of the year in the district. The couple has a daughter Venessa, 24, and twin 14-year-old young men, Matthew and Joseph, who are freshmen at LHS. They also started Lee College in seventh grade and are nearly halfway done with their Lee Associates Degrees in business management. Matthew wants to be an I.T. Engineer, and Joseph, an Actuary.

Working with our great district leaders recently on his goals for our children, families and voters here in Liberty, Craig clearly cares about what is taught to the children in LISD schools. Examples of goals include having students start college earlier, advocating for earlier conversations with children about acclimation to college and supporting interested families with resources as needed. Craig feels that increases in higher education of Liberty students will foster even more successful careers and perhaps even economic growth downstream.

With the above, as an observer at LISD Board meetings and online materials, and in speaking with voters, Craig has become well acquainted with LISD processes, leaders and issues. Craig will leverage his skills and his above experiences to move the board forward faster, resolve issues and execute innovative ideas in our district.