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Dayton youth competes in archery contest

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Local kid Noah Hughs of Dayton, Tx. Traveled to Yankton, South Dakota, to compete in a National Archery competition held February 13 and 14, 2021. The NFAA ( National Field Archery Association) 2021 Rushmore Rumble was a two-day shoot with archers from across the Nation. Noah Hughs finished 1st in his division Cub Male Compound Freestyle. All archers shot 90 arrows at 20 yards in the two-day event in hopes for a perfect score of 90o. Noah finished with an 832/90o shooting at 20 yards. Noah has been in competition archery for four years now and has won 3 State Championships in TFAA, ASA, and S3DA. He is currently a Staff Shooter for Gulf Coast Archery in Webster, Tx. He is also Dealer Advisor Staff with The Outdoor Group, Elite Archery and Staff Shooter for Shrewd Archery.