2021 Jubilee canceled
At the Liberty City Council Meeting held on Jan.12, Liberty Mayor Carl Pickett was forced to make the unfortunate decision to cancel the Liberty Jubilee due to increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases in the county.
If the Jubilee were to be canceled too late, it would cost the city thousands of dollars in unreturned deposits.
Governor’s orders give the sole power to cancel or restrict gatherings or events to the town mayors, something the mayor and the council disagreed with during the meeting.
Ultimately, after consulting with the city council and citizens, the mayor decided to cancel the event, airing on the side of public safety.
A central reason for the cancellation was the fear of leaving Liberty without emergency personnel if they were to be exposed to the virus while working the event. Another concern was the spike in documented Covid-19 cases since the highly attended Country Christmas Parade.
The Food Truck Festival organizer was in attendance and expressed concerns about blanket cancellations of smaller events, as did some council members.
All future events will be reviewed on a case by case basis.