TSLAC CARES Grants Cycle 2 announced to support libraries during COVID-19

Austin, TX — The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has announced the second cycle of its TSLAC CARES Grant Program to help libraries statewide respond to COVID-19. This emergency funding comes from the federal appropriation made to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the CARES Act.
“TSLAC CARES grants will help libraries respond to and recover from the COVID-19 crisis,” said TSLAC Director and State Librarian Mark Smith, “In addition to direct support for a variety of services provided by Texas libraries, this grant program will increase remote access by Texans to the digital information they need for school, work, and home.”
TSLAC CARES grants fund community needs identified by Texas libraries for the programs, training, and tools necessary to increase community access to vital digital technologies and services. Additionally, funds may be utilized for library initiatives that support prevention, preparation, and response to the COVID-19 emergency. This reimbursement grant program will fund operating expenditures such as library supplies and materials, technology, furniture, and contractual services.
Grant applications for TSLAC CARES Cycle 2 will be accepted starting Aug. 28. Public and academic libraries in Texas that have identified community needs arising from or highlighted by the COVID-19 emergency are encouraged to apply. More information, including the application, is available at tsl.texas.gov/ldn/cares. The deadline to apply is Sept. 20.
On Friday, Aug. 28, from 10–11:30 a.m. (CDT) TSLAC Grants Administrator Bethany Wilson and Program Coordinator Erica McCormick will host a webinar for potential TSLAC CARES Grant applicants. Register for the webinar here.
Libraries across the state can continue to access regular TSLAC training materials and courses online, and TSLAC continues to develop and make available training to help libraries address issues arising from the coronavirus. TSLAC is delivering critical digital resources to Texans through its partnership with Texas libraries. Its TexShare and TexQuest online databases provide access to e-books, journals, educational and business content, and resources for workforce development. The State Library team is also providing library professionals statewide with information on supporting communities to ensure that remote education, research, telework, telemedicine, and all aspects of learning and commerce are as robust as possible during this time.
This initial grant program represents the first $30 million of $50 million appropriated nationally in the CARES Act, of which Texas received $2.6 million. The funding phase announced today will be distributed to all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. territories, and the Freely Associated States, based on population.
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