Refuge changing waterfowl hunt operations

For everyone’s safety, due to COVID-19 and other circumstances, Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge is changing its Waterfowl Hunt operations for the 2020-2021 season. The Refuge will not have a lottery draw. It will offer single day first come, first served permits by email for weekend hunt opportunities during the 2020- 2021 waterfowl hunt season. The cost per day will be $10 per person with a maximum of four hunters per hunt party.
Emails will be accepted with the waterfowl application (OMB 3-2439) the Tuesday before the hunt weekend from 8 to 10 a.m. Hunters who receive a spot will be notified Tuesday afternoon by 4 p.m. for their selected day hunt. One application per email. (Example: If you want to hunt both days, two emails must be sent for each day). Multiple applications in one email will not be accepted.
Payment is due the morning of the hunt upon check in. Check or money order will be the only acceptable forms of payment. Cash or credit cards will not be accepted. Hunters will receive the permit upon payment.
The Waterfowl Hunt Announcement and Application will be posted soon on the Refuge’s Facebook page and website. For more information, contact Bonnie Campisi at or call 936-336- 9786.
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