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Coret LaCour
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Get mail-in ballot applications directly from the county

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This morning, Klint Bush, Liberty County’s new election administrator and voter registrar, sent out a press release regarding some confusion voters are having over the proper form to use when applying for a mail-in ballot.

It seems a number of political organizations have been sending out their own versions of the form, providing local voters with their own instead of the official version from the Liberty County Elections Office.

A problem can arise for the unwary voter who uses an unofficial application that has been pre-marked for one primary or the other. The voter could mistakenly request a ballot for the wrong party’s primary. Each voter can vote in only one party’s primary and will get only one mail-in ballot.

Bush wants to tell voters, “Please check if you receive one of those other forms and clearly mark what party you want a mail-in ballot from. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 936-253-8050. You can call our office directly for a Liberty County Form and we will mail you one.”

For comparison purposes, the attached image show what the official Liberty County mail-in ballot application looks like. Voters are better off using the genuine article.

To get more election information from the county without having to talk to anyone, go the election page on the county’s website by clicking here.

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