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Women's History Month Highlight- Lee Chambers

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    Lee Chambers

Lee Haidusek-Chambers

Liberty County Clerk


Born and raised in Dayton, Chambers is a fifth-generation Liberty County resident. Chambers graduated from Dayton High School in 1978 and later earned a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from Texas A&M University in 1982.

After working for many years in the computer industry, Chambers returned to school at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law where she earned her Juris Doctorate in 1997.

Chambers is currently a licensed attorney in Texas with primarily appellate experience and some trial experience in varying areas of law.

Chambers was elected Liberty County Clerk in 2018, and she has served in the role for about seven years.

In her role, Chambers updated computer database systems in the office and improved the web-based services. She began a restoration project for the county's permanent records, dating back to the 19th century. Chambers also updated the county election system and serves as the county’s election official.

As county clerk, Chambers is responsible for all records regarding property, birth, death and marriage. Chambers is also responsible for business assumed name records, alcoholic beverage licenses, subdivision records and maps, official county notices, misdemeanor court records, county civil court records, juvenile court records, probate court records and the County Commissioners Court records.

Chambers supervises about 20 employees between her two offices. Her offices at the Liberty County Courthouse and Cleveland Courthouse Annex are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Chambers' parents were Charles and Shirley Haidusek and she has a younger brother, Andy Haidusek.

Chambers is married to Liberty County Court at Law Judge Thomas “Tommy” Chambers. The pair has two sons, Colin and Andrew, and four grandchildren, Allan “AJ,” William, Evelyn and Astrid.

The couple lives in the historic Chambers Octagon House in Liberty.