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Annual Christmas parade set for Thursday

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ANAHUAC – The temperatures have begun to cool off, and the lights are twinkling as the holiday season makes its way. This week will surely be a holly jolly time at the annual Christmas parade.  

The Anahuac Area Chamber of Commerce’s 19th Annual Christmas on The Bayou parade is this Thursday, Dec. 5 and it is sure to be a joyous time for all/ 

The lineup for the parade will begin at 4:30 p.m. The festive parade will then start making its way downtown at 6 p.m. 

First, second and third-place prizes will be awarded for individual and business categories. 

ESA Sorority’s annual “Meet Santa” will be held at the courthouse steps after the parade. 

Enjoy a festive holiday evening down on the bayou and spend time with your loved ones.