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Skidmore remembered at Dayton FFA Livestock Show

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    Winn Skidmore receives a token of appreciation from FFA students Kira Logan and Wesley Salas in honor of her late husband, Harry "Skid" Skidmore, at the annual Dayton FFA Livestock Show and Rodeo.

DAYTON — The Dayton FFA Livestock Show and Rodeo has long been a special event, and this year's edition honored the memory of one of the folks who helped make it so special. 

Harry "Skid" Skidmore, who passed away in 2011, became synonymous with the annual event, and he was recognized for his service to local ag students. 

"For over 30 years, Harry could be found leaning on a chair calling bids for our auction, a task that was no easy feat, but one that he was dedicated to year after year," said Dayton FFA instructor Hali Wagner. 

He was remembered for pushing the organization to the commercial heifer show as another source of revenue and as a huge supporter of the 100 Club. 

"Harry took pride in collecting numerous 100 club memberships that were crucial in voluntary supporting Dayton FFA and Dayton 4-H Youth in their projects and educational goals," Wagner said. 

Skidmore and his wife, Winn Skidmore, were always active in the local community that he loved so dear, with Winn still making the rounds occasionally. 

"It's clear to see that both Harry and Winn have dedicated years of their lives to the areas youth and are truly deserving of today's show dedication," Wagner said.  

Winn was on hand to receive the honor of her late husband and was vital in helping organizers honor Skidmore. 

"Whenever we reached out to Winn for today's dedication, she was truly so excited. She told stories of how wonderful Harry was and solidified that he possessed all the qualities of a servant leader," Wagner concluded.