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Liberty FFA has outstanding showing at San Antonio Heifer Show

Fiona Johnson earns Grand Champion Honors and $10K scholarship

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    Fiona Joseph won her class, showed in the junior heifer class division winning Grand Champion Junior Heifer, then showed in the Champion Drive Santa Gertrudis Heifer Drive winning Grand Champion Santa Gertrudis Heifer, earning herself a $10,000.00 scholarship and the opportunity to exhibit her heifer in the Supreme Champion Drive. Courtesy photo

SAN ANTONIO — It’s that time of year when ag students are focused on showing their livestock and competing for top honors and scholarships, and students from Liberty ISD are coming off a big showing in San Anton.

Feb. 11, the journey to the 75th annual San Antonio Livestock Exposition breeding heifer show began as the team traveled to San Antonio to exhibit 10 head of American cattle.

The show began bright and early the morning of Feb. 12; Kamdyn Chandler was the first showman through the ring for Liberty FFA, exhibiting her red Brahman Rou, placing 1st in their perspective class and competing in the division drive.

The day continued with a competitive Brangus Show the Supreme Champion of the show was the Champion Brangus female exhibited by a Houston County 4-H member. Keyli Scroggins was 3rd in class 2 with her heifer Lucy, Payton Hanson was 11th in class 4, Cameron Ripkowski was 2nd in class 7, earning a second trip through the ring to compete in her perspective division drive and Savannah Hanson rounded out the breed with a 3rd in class 13 with her Starlight heifer.

Meanwhile in the Beefmaster ring Nate Stoesser showed his heifer Jennings to the top of a deep quality class of 32 head placing 5th in class. Kaden Stevens was in the top 15 of the same class.

Makenna Fregia was 11th in class 2 ARB with her heifer Penelope.

Concluding the American Breeding Heifer Show with the Santa Gertrudis breed Dalton Prichard was 11th in a deep class of heifer calves. Fiona Joseph won her class, showed in the junior heifer class division winning Grand Champion Junior Heifer, then showed in the Champion Drive Santa Gertrudis Heifer Drive winning Grand Champion Santa Gertrudis Heifer earning herself a $10,000.00 scholarship and the opportunity to exhibit her heifer in the Supreme Champion Drive.

Feb. 14 the team returned to San Antonio to exhibit the Exotic wave of cattle with six more heifers.

The show began bright and early with Jessie Riojas and her Hereford heifer Nora placing 1st in class 1 earning a trip back to the show ring competing in the calf division drive. Abby Colburn followed through the North Ring with her Simmental Heifer Anna, placing 11th in class 1.

The Limousin Heifer show was held in the south ring. JJ Lacefield was 4th in class with his heifer Lacey. Tristen and Karma were 3rd in class 8 and Ty Mayes was 1st in class 9, having the opportunity to show in the division drive.

Rounding out the evening and the 2024 San Antonio Breeding Heifer Show for Liberty FFA were Emma Claire Wiggins and Ace, her Red Angus Heifer were 2nd in class 2, earning the opportunity to show in the calf division drive.

The San Antonio Livestock Exposition recognizes a Supreme Overall Champion, Breed Champions, Division Winners and each animal that is shown in its respective class. These FFA Members dedicate many hours to practicing in the arena, preparing, feeding, bathing, exercising and caring for these show projects. They keep up with their class work and support each of their fellow members on the show team.

The Liberty FFA Advisors are proud of each and every one of our Showmen. We appreciate the time and dedication from the parents and family members that are involved with their FFA Members! We love our Liberty FFAmily! Good Luck in Houston next month.