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To Be Like Him

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There is an old hymn that says: “To be like Jesus, To be like Jesus, All I ask, to be like Him. All thru life’s journey from earth to glory, All I ask, to be like Him. To love like Jesus, To love like Jesus, All I ask, to love like Him. All thru life’s journey from earth to glory, All I ask, to love like Him. To pray like Jesus, To pray like Jesus All I ask, to pray like Him. All thru life’s journey from earth to glory, All I ask, to pray like Him. To serve like Jesus, To serve like Jesus, All I ask, to serve like Him. All thru life’s journey from earth to glory, All I ask, to serve like Him.

As a Christian, someone who has put faith and trust in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, our behavior mirrors, reflects and resembles Christ.

Being gracious and merciful to others is behaving like Christ. Forgiving, loving and praying for our enemies is Christ-like. Welcoming the “least” among us, is being like Jesus. Caring for the sick, needy, underprivileged, widowed, orphaned, poor, abused and vulnerable, those who are last, mirrors and reflects the Son of Man. Striving for justice resembles Jesus.

But it’s not simply good works that make someone a Christian. Being a follower and disciple of Jesus extends beyond our outward behavior. It includes the condition of our heart. When we put our faith and trust in Christ, when we commit our lives to serving Him and serving others as He served us, our behavior and mindset reflects the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Christ is with us and in us. We are new creations in Christ.

This holiday season as the lines get long, the wait gets longer and people sometimes get grumpy we must always remember to be like Him and have patience and love toward others. Always show kindness and mercy because we were shown mercy when Jesus came and died for you and me. Merry Christmas and may your days be merry and bright this holiday season!

Please visit us at The Family Church 9456 Highway 146 N. Hardin. You can also watch our service live on Facebook @tfchardin.