Anniversary Announcement submissions are $30. Payment can be made immediately after your form has been submitted. What anniversary is being celebrated? Name of couple Site of celebration Time and date Type of celebration (list whether open house, reception, dinner, or luncheon) Who is hosting it? Brief description of anniversary cake(s) A brief description of decorations If a program is presented or remarks are made, list names, etc. Family History Groom's Parents Bride's maiden name, if different from married name Bride's Parents Wedding date Married where and by whom Names of attendants (indicate who of them attended anniversary celebration and/or who is deceased) Children of couple (include spouses' names, if married, and where they now reside) How many grandchildren? Great-grandchildren? Where did couple reside during their married life? Present residence If retired, what was former occupation or profession? If NOT retired, what is present occupation or profession? Church and club affiliations, special interests Add anything else of personal interest that might be newsworthy Name of informant and telephone number Photo Files must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: gif jpg png. Photo by Contact & Billing Information Full Name * Billing Address * City * State * Zip * Phone * Email * Comments Leave this field blank CAPTCHAThis question is to test whether or not you are a human! What code is in the image? * Enter the characters shown in the image.