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McDowell making waves in MMA

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    Rudy McDowell of Dayton gets the best of his opponent during a Mixed Martial Arts competition. Contributed Photo
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    Rudy McDowell, 13, shows off some of the hardware he brought home for Las Vegas in June. Contributed Photo

DAYTON - While most 13-year-olds are enjoying their summer gaming or spending time by the pool, or just hanging out with friends, Dayton’s Rudy McDowell is working out six days a week, getting prepared to head to the United Kingdom in August to compete in the 2023 WKO World Championships.

McDowell has been dominating his opponents in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Rudy competed in Las Vegas June 23-24 in the World Championship and placed in every division.

He won first place in Grappling Gi and No Gi and finished second in MMA and Kickboxing.

“I had fun in Las Vegas. I was just very sore afterward,” said McDowell as he left Vegas with two belts.

Now that McDowell is heading to the UK to take on kids worldwide, the stakes are much higher.

“That is why I work out so much,” said McDowell.

“I work out 2-3 hours a day and just take Sunday off. I work on the same thing over and over. It never gets old for me, and I really enjoy it. I do a lot of drills and a lot of takedowns with my coach.”

McDowell goes to Dayton Mixed Martial Arts and his instructor is James Reeves.

When Rudy returns from the UK, he has been invited to the Troy Dorsey Kickboxing School to earn his coaching license.

McDowell has already been coaching and working with kids younger than him.

“This is what I love to do, and I want to continue doing this,” said McDowell.

To help donate and send Rudy to the UK you can go to his Gofundme page.