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Skeletal remains discovered near Rye

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RYE — A pair of travelers attempting to rescue puppies made an eerie discovery last Friday afternoon on the county’s north end.

According to Liberty County Sheriff ’s Capt. David Meyers, a man, and his wife were trav- eling down County Road 2132 when they observed two abandoned puppies. While they were attempting to rescue the two puppies, one of them ran towards a ditch with about 3 feet of water in it Upon approach of the ditch, the couple saw what they believed to be a body submerged in the water and immediately contacted authorities.

LCSO dispatched deputies to the scene, and at that time, they confirmed there were skeletal remains and had Criminal Investigation Division investigators respond to the scene.

Once the remains were extracted, they were transported to the Jefferson County Medical Examiner’s Office for an autopsy.