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Ruiz receives FLNB scholarship

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    Contributed photo | FLNB President/CEO Kelly Stretcher, FLNB Loan Administrator, and proud mother, Brenda Sanchez, FLNB Chairman of the Board Charles McGuire and Giovanni Ruiz hold a mock check representing the $1,000 scholarship Ruiz received from FLNB on Nov. 21. Ruiz is pursuing a degree in process technology at Lee College in Baytown.
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First Liberty National Bank would like to congratulate Giovanni Ruiz as the recipient of a $1,000 scholarship. He is the son of employee Brenda Sanchez. Giovanni Leonel Ruiz is a Liberty native and attended Liberty ISD throughout his academic career.

Ruiz was a member of the band for five years and choir for two years. In the latter role, he received a 1 on his solo at state competition. Ruiz also was a member of the Leo Club for three years.

He distinguished himself in high school sports as a 4-year letterman in soccer and leading the soccer team as captain during his junior and senior years.

Ruiz graduated on May 31 and the following day began pipeline work in Louisiana for the summer.

He returned to Liberty in August in order to further his education in Process Technology at Lee College. His goal is to receive a degree in this field and become an operator at a plant upon completion.

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