Local hospital limiting entrances

The Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center in Liberty sent out the following advisory earlier this evening:
Due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, we will be limiting the number of entrances, screening all persons who enter the facility and limiting the number of visitors. Procedures will be implemented as soon as possible. We are make some physical modifications to accommodate. We anticipate full enforcement by the end of day on Thursday, 3/12
Entrance will only be allowed through the Outpatient entrance, Physical Therapy entrance, and Emergency Department Entrance.
Outpatient Entrance (M-F 8-5 facing Travis St.) will be utilized for outpatient services, medical records release, as well as scheduled clinic visits.
Physical Therapy/Administration (M-F 8-5 facing ER parking lot on Magnolia St.) will be utilized for physical therapy patients and administration guests.
Emergency Room Entrance (M-F 24/7) will be used for emergency room patients, inpatient, and their guests.
All guests (patients, visitors, vendors, staff, etc.) will be screened upon entry into the facility through the designated entrances. Personnel will be at each entry way to administer the short screening tool. Patients and visitors entering the building will be screened. Patients will not be denied entry, but they will be expected to follow staff directives regarding staying in their assigned room or waiting room.
Visitors will be limited to one visitor per patient and visitors may be denied entry based upon the nature of their visit. There will be few exceptions to this rule and that decision will be made by administration.
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