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Jury Sentences Cleveland man to 25 years in prison

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State of Texas vs. Jose Felisiano Jordan

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LIBERTY — A Liberty County jury found Jose Felisiano Jordan, 45, guilty of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and sentenced him to a term of twenty-five years in prison at the conclusion of the two-day trial on May 21, 2024, 

“It takes a particularly dangerous kind of coward to threaten elderly individuals with bodily harm and place them in fear for their safety and their lives. It is even more egregious when those individuals are members of the Defendant’s family. I am thankful that this defendant will serve a lengthy prison sentence as a result of his actions,” said Liberty County District Attorney Jennifer L. Bergman. 

On May 20, 2024, Jordan entered a plea of not guilty, and the case proceeded to a trial before the jury. The Cleveland Police Department received a 911 call on August 4, 2021. Officer Rosas, with the CPD, arrived on the scene within five minutes and found Jordan shirtless in the street holding a mini-bat and threatening two Cleveland homeowners who were sitting on the porch of their home.  

Upon completion of Officer Rosas’s investigation, officers learned that Jordan swung the mini bat at one of the homeowners, who was in his 70’s. 

At trial, Officer Rosas and Captain Felts testified about their investigation. During Officer Rosas’s testimony at trial, the defendant began talking and shouting at the witness and caused a brief disruption and interruption of the proceedings.  

Thereafter, video was shown to the jury depicting Jordan’s highly agitated and aggressive state when the officers arrived on scene. Testimony was given by both homeowners in which they described the ongoing problems they have had with Jordan and how Jordan tried to hit one of the homeowners with the mini bat. In addition, Jordan made the decision to testify in his own defense. 

After deliberating for several hours, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. During the punishment phase of the trial, the State presented evidence of Jordan’s past convictions which included a prison sentence for drugs, assault, assault family violence, and several violations of protective orders.  

After brief deliberations on punishment, the jury returned a sentence of 25-years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The State’s case was presented by Assistant District Attorneys Kevin G. Barnes and Kayla Hebert. Keaton Kirkwood represented the defendant. 

“I would like to thank the jury for their service. Jose Jordan poses a danger to the community. The jury ensured that the victims in this case will not be bothered again by Jose Jordan for a long time,” said Assistant District Attorney Kevin Barnes.