Hurricane Harvey survivors may apply for federal assistance if affected by Imelda

AUSTIN, TX — Even if you registered for federal assistance because you suffered damage from Hurricane Harvey, you can register for assistance if affected by Tropical Storm Imelda. Federal aid does not stop after applying for, and/or receiving assistance from a single disaster. Assistance may be available if you received assistance from a previous, federally declared disaster.
Survivors that applied for aid after Hurricane Harvey and that sustained damage from Tropical Storm Imelda must reapply for aid – their application and aid from Harvey does not cover them for damages incurred from Tropical Storm Imelda.
Texas homeowners, renters and business owners in Chambers, Harris, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, Orange and San Jacinto counties may apply for uninsured and underinsured damage and losses incurred from Sept. 17-23, 2019. The deadline to apply for assistance is Dec. 3, 2019.
Homeowners and renters may be eligible for grants to help pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other serious disaster-related expenses not met by insurance or other assistance programs.
To register, go online to or call the FEMA help line at 800-621-3362. Help is available in most languages and phone lines are open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week until further notice.
Survivors may also visit a disaster recovery center to apply for disaster assistance. Disaster recovery centers are open in Orange, Montgomery, Liberty, Harris, Jefferson and Chambers counties. To find a DRC, visit:
To learn more about recovering from Imelda, visit and Follow us on Twitter at and the FEMA blog at
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