Hospital CEO arrested for alleged sexual assault of a child

Liberty police are conducting an investigation of an allegation of sexual assault of a child, a second degree felony, which resulted in an arrest of a Liberty man.
Police began an investigation on May 21 of an allegation of sexual assault of a child, which occurred a a local residence in Liberty. The lengthy investigation led to the arrest of Matthew Allen Thornton, 38, from Liberty.
Matthew Allen Thornton was arrested on June 22 and transported to the Liberty County Jail without incident, where his bond was set at $25,000.
The Liberty Police Department is working with the Liberty County District Attorney's Office in this investigation.
The above came from a Liberty Police Department press release this morning. A press release from the hospital and the hospital district was sent out later this morning saying, that Matthew Thornton, the CEO of Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center and Liberty County Hospital District No. 1, has been placed on administrative leave pending the investigation of the Liberty County District Attorney’s office of a non-hospital related accusation.
Ray Mason from Midland has been hired as the interim CEO of the hospital. Rhonda Campbell, COO, will be over the hospital administration during this time.
“Be assured that we, Liberty Dayton Regional Medical Center will continue to provide excellent and compassionate care to our community.”
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