City buildings closed to visitors in Liberty
If you wanted to visit Liberty’s City Hall today, you are too late. City Hall and all other city buildings are closed to visitors until April 15, the City announced a short while ago.
This closure might be extended depending on circumstances at that time.
This closure includes the Municipal Library, City Hall, PublicWorks Service Center and Police and Fire Departments.
However, all city services, including police and fire services, will continue. You can still pay your utility bill using the drive-through window on the north side of City Hall — the entrance is on Travis Street, near the corner of Travis and Trinity — and you can return your library books using the book drop-off box on the Sam Houston Street driveway in front of the Library.
Individuals requiring building permits may obtain the necessary forms from the city's webpage at and return them by email or fax to 936-336-9846.
Assistance from Municipal Court may be obtained by calling 936-336-3684.
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