Churches asked to help
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Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action July 24-26

Join us for Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action July 24-26. We are asking our faith partners to promote the 2020 Census and encourage communities and congregations to respond.
How you can get involved:
- Post on your organization's social media (social media messages are provided below)
- Host a virtual event that features the 2020 Census and encourage your community to increase self-response rates
- Send an email blast to your mailing list about responding to the 2020 Census
- Include information in your virtual sermons or church bulletins about responding to the census
- Look through our Action Guide or meet with your Partnership Specialists for more ideas
Social Media Messages
- Together we can ensure that communities receive the resources needed to prosper. Join us for Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action, July 24-26 and encourage your community to respond to the 2020Census. Respond today at #ShapeYourFuture #2020Census
- Responding to the 2020Census affects funding to the community and political representation. Have your voices heard. Respond today at or call 844-330-2020 to ensure you are counted!
- 2020Census data helps inform how billions of dollars in funding are distributed to communities for new hospitals, roads, and schools. Respond today at to make sure your community counts. #AmericaCounts
- No matter who you are, what you do, or how you worship — we all count! Respond to the 2020Census today at Data from the census informs how federal funds are distributed to communities for the next ten years! #ShapeYourFuture
Links and Resources
- 2020 Census Action Guide for the Faith Community
- 2020 Census web badges and pledges
- 2020 Census outreach materials page (NOTE: filter for "Information for: Faith Communities" to see specific content for your audience)
- Response Rate Challenge Mini Guide
- Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action playlist, which includes various PSAs from faith leaders. Learn more about recording your own 2020 Census PSA by visiting our toolkit here.
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