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Auto-pedestrian fatality on Hwy. 90

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Liberty Police are investigating a fatality accident which occurred in the 1300 block of Hwy. 90 shortly after 6 p.m. on Jan. 22.

Shortly after 6 p.m. Liberty Police responded to an accident on Hwy. 90 near the intersection of Bowie St.  Initial investigation determined that John Scott Hill, age 54, of Liberty was crossing Hwy. 90 when he was struck by a vehicle traveling in the eastbound lane. Mr. Hill was walking south across 90 at the stop light when the vehicle traveling through the light struck him.  Justice of the Peace Stephen Hebert pronounced Hill dead at the scene from injuries sustained. Judge Hebert ordered and autopsy that will be conducted at the Jefferson County Morgue. No charges are expected to be filed in this incident.

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