New ordinance requires addresses on all buildings
LIBERTY – Public safety highlighted a special called city council meeting, as leaders adopted new rules for displaying addresses on homes and businesses around town.
According to City Manager Tom Warner, the fire department has had difficulty locating specific residences during emergency calls due to the numbering of addresses not being displayed. Currently, building codes only require building numbering on new residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
Several council members chimed in with their own experiences while awaiting emergency responders and the need to make their job smoother and more efficient.
“ It’s a safety issue,” chimed in Councilwoman Diane Driggers.
The proposed changes to the code would require building numbering on all new or existing residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
Councilman Tommy Brents had questions about when enforcement would begin and the prospect of fines being assessed. Warner responded that enforcement would likely begin 120 days after the posting of the new ordinance.
Fines for code violations are assessed via the Building Ordinance code and would run $ 500 for residences. At the same time, commercial and industrial buildings can also be fined via the Safety Code with a $2,000 fine.
“A 120 days from now, if there is a little old lady, a widow, whose not been able to get her numbers on her building. Are we going to fine her $ 500,” asked Brents.
According to Warner, the city must give 10 days’ notice on any code violation to allow it to be corrected before issuing a citation.
“ We’re going to work with them. We are not trying to penalize everyone, but everyone needs to have an address up,” said Warner.
All numbers must be visible from the street and at least 3.5 inches in height in a contrasting color from which they are attached.