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Liberty bids Pickett farewell, welcomes new leaders

  • Article Image Alt Text
    Outgoing Mayor Carl Pickett and new Mayor John Hebert, Jr. share a moment as Pickett relinquishes his place at the dais. The Vindicator | Russell Payne
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  • Article Image Alt Text
    Mayor Carl Pickett’s grandchildren led everyone in the pledges at Tuesday night’s city council meeting. The Vindicator | Ariel Turner
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    During his final meeting, Mayor Carl Pickett was honored as The Vindicator’s Readers’ Choice winner for Best Local Elected Official. Managing Editor Russell Payne presented Pickett with the honor. The Vindicator | Russell Payne
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    Logan Pickett, Judge Don Taylor, and Liberty County Commissioner Pct. 1 Bruce Karbowski visit during Mayor Pickett’s farewell party on Tuesday. The Vindicator | Russell Payne

LIBERTY — Tuesday evening brought joy and a bit of sadness as the community gathered at City Hall to celebrate the service of its longest-serving mayor, Carl Pickett.

Pickett announced earlier this year that he would be stepping aside after 18 years at the helm in Liberty and friends, family and other elected officials came out to wish him well.

After the ceremony, the Liberty City Council assembled to canvass the votes from the May 6 election and prepare to officially hand off the baton from Pickett to newly elected mayor, John Hebert, Jr.

As his final official act, Pickett administered the oath of office to Hebert, and the three council members elected earlier this month, Tommy Brents, Ed Seymour and Ross Ward.

Ward will step into the seat previously held by Chipper Smith, who did not seek another term and wrapped up his service on Tuesday.

At that point, Pickett thanked the city and wished the new leaders well.

“I feel honored and appreciate the opportunity to serve,” Pickett told packed council chambers as Hebert took his place at the head of the dais.

Pickett won’t be fading into the sunset anytime soon, as Hebert explained he would continue to serve the city as a representative on the Sam Rayburn Municipal Power Agency, a board he currently serves as chair.

Next up on the agenda for the council was the election of a new Mayor Pro-Tem for the city, and the council unanimously elected Libby Simonson to fill that spot, previously held by Smith.

Council then moved into their agenda, and a glaring need was made very apparent when an agenda item focused on the Liberty Central Appraisal District’s request for the city’s support for the purchase and remodel of a piece of real property failed on a 3 to 3 vote.

Missing was a tiebreaker, as the council seat previously held by Hebert remained unfilled and would be addressed later in the meeting.

By the end of the night, after an executive session, the council returned, and Brents nominated Debbie Dugger to fill that unexpired council seat. The council voted unanimously in favor and closed the meeting.

Dugger is expected to take the oath and join the council at its next meeting.