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Fregia, Griffin elected to LCHD No. 1

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The race for the Liberty County Hospital District No.1 oddly had very little fanfare, especially after last November’s hotly contested battle over a new Liberty-Dayton Medical Center and proposed clinic in the Dayton area.

Five candidates vied for two seats on the board, with incumbent Victor Barranco being the only candidate seeking another term, as former board member Dwight Pruitt opted to pursue a term on the Dayton City Council, which he won in a close race.

As for the other four candidates, Julie Woodward was the only candidate that even appeared to do any campaigning, at least only one to display signs.

The remaining candidates were longtime local businessman Milton Fregia, Marcus Brand, and Bill Griffin.

In the end, voters from the City of Dayton, along with Liberty, Hardin, Hull-Daisetta, and Devers ISDs, decided upon Fregia and Griffin to represent them on the board. The two of them will be the first newly elected members of the district board in quite some time.

Liberty County Hospital District No. 1

(At Large 2 Positions)

Julie Woodward 366

Marcus T. Brand 323

Milton L. Fregia *770

Victor Barranco 643

Bill Griffin *698