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Letter from TVE president

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I would like to welcome everyone to the 110th Trinity Valley Exposition. It is an honor and privilege to be at the helm of not only an event that has been in existence for 110 years, but TVE is the eighth longest running rodeo in North America and only second in Texas to the “West of the Pecos” Rodeo held annually. But the most rewarding for me is to be a part of the impact we have on our young people. TVE is the single largest annual monetary event for the youth of Liberty and Chambers County. It’s amazing for me to see the small village of folks (board members, committee members and volunteers) that come together to put on this event each year. We cannot forget the 110 years of people that have come before us to start this fair in motion; our hats are definitely off to those fine people.

This year is lining up to be another fun filled TVE with many thrilling surprises. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you that pass through our gates.

Building today’s youth for tomorrow’s future.

—Gary Lott

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