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Everyone is dyeing to try this

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Easter is this Sunday. Are you thinking about dyeing some eggs for the kids? This is a wonderful tradition to do with the kids for Easter. Dyeing eggs brings joy to all ages in our homes. But have you noticed there are so many different coloring kits you can buy at the store? There are so many choices too. Do you want your eggs to look marbled? Do you want bright-colored eggs or pale eggs? How about glow-in-the-dark eggs? The options are endless and so are the price tags on these kits.

I personally have three kids; they all want to do something different with their eggs they are dyeing. This makes me think in simple terms when getting ready for this Easter tradition of dyeing eggs. Like how did my parents and grandparents dye eggs when they were little? Parents were not able to run to the store and pick up a kit to dye their eggs. Plus, they all had a very tight budget they stuck to, which did not include $30 for coloring eggs. So, they made do with what they had on hand in their cabinets. They created fun, vibrant colors and designs on the eggs with the basic ingredients at their home for very little cost.

The first thing we do is gather our supplies for the project. We use old crayon colors, food coloring, white vinegar, spoons, coffee cups, hard boil eggs, rice, Ziploc bags, wire rack and old newspapers. I put the three dozen eggs on to boil, making sure to save the egg cartons to put the colored eggs back in them when we are done. I then get out all my handy dandy old Vindicator newspapers from past issues that I save for projects and spread them out across my table. Making sure every inch is covered with newspapers to help keep the dye off my table. I let my eggs boil for about ten minutes for a hard boil. I then dump the hot water out of the pan of eggs and fill it back up with cold water. I will let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then I pull each egg out, dry them off with a paper towel and set them back into their egg container. Making sure the egg is cool and completely dried before starting the dying process.

I then pour 2 tablespoons of white vinegar into my cup, using one cup or container for each color of dye that I wish to use. I then add one cup of boiling water to each cup along with 20 drops of food coloring. I stir until all the ingredients are combined.

My oldest daughter Calynn and my husband Louis are very creative with designing their eggs. They love to draw designs on the hardboiled egg with a crayon before dropping the egg into the dye. The wax from the crayon will stay on anywhere you write on the egg after it is removed from the dye. This allows everyone to make their own custom-designed eggs. Once they are through with making designs or writing their name on the egg, they drop the egg into the color of their choosing.

We use spoons to check the progress of our egg in the dye. You must be very careful with the egg not to break it while putting it in, checking it, or pulling it out of the dye solution. Once we like the color, we remove the egg with the spoon to the wire rack to dry.

My youngest daughter Taylor enjoys the vibrant colors that we can create on the egg. The longer you leave the egg in the color solution, the deeper, more vibrant color you will get on the dyed egg. She tends to be my patient child. She will usually leave her eggs in the color solution for about 5 to 7 minutes. The colors are so rich on the egg. The eggs look like someone painted them and it is truly amazing how the color turns out on the egg.

My son Ricky enjoys coloring eggs but has no patience to sit and wait. He is a hands-on kind of fellow and always on the go. So, I found the rice technique works well for him. I put about a cup of rice in the Ziploc bag then add 10 drops of food coloring. Stir it up with a spoon. He puts the egg inside the bag, and he tosses and shakes the bag till he is happy with how his egg looks. He takes it out of the bag and sets the egg on the wire rack to dry. This is a great process to use with toddlers. There is not much mess or cleanup with the rice-dyed eggs.

I hope you try my simple tips for dyeing Easter eggs this year. Remember, while you and your family are dyeing your eggs, you’re also making memories and traditions for your kids to pass down to future generations.

Happy Easter!

If you have any tips or tricks you would like to share on simplifying your life, email me at