The year started with visiting and distributing information for the year in the home of President Linda Spacek at 9:30, September 8, 2023. Continuing and new officers started their terms and began with business and meetings for the upcoming year being introduced to members. Officers are Linda Spacek, President; Karen Arnold, 1st Vice President; Mary Schwertner, 2nd Vice President; Jan Knight, Secretary; Rebecca Mullinix, Treasurer; Roberta Thornton, Reporter/Historian; Shelli Johnson, Librarian; and Denise Barkis, Parliamentarian. Committees were also named. Member Danna Lee had done an outstanding job getting the yearbook together for dissemination. Member Cindy Gilfillian had lovely cards and magnets to remind members of the year’s meetings. Mostly, the morning was filled with friends reconnecting after the extremely hot summer and visiting while enjoying the refreshments provided by the meeting’s hostesses, Linda Spacek, Cindy Hazelwood, Sara Brown and Cindy Gilfillian.