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Chambers will be speaker at county historical commission meeting

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    Lee Haidusek Chambers

LIBERTY — The Liberty County Historical Commission will have its first quarterly meeting of 2024 on Monday, Jan. 22, at 6 p.m. in the A. J. “Jack” Hartel Building, 318 San Jacinto St., Liberty. Meetings are open and the public is encouraged to attend.  

After a short business meeting, attendees will enjoy guest speaker Lee Haidusek Chambers.  

Mrs. Chambers serves as Liberty County Clerk and will give a presentation on the historical records kept in the Liberty County Clerk’s Office, including information on the restoration of the county records collection.  

Examples from the collection will be available for viewing. Lee Haidusek Chambers was elected the Liberty County Clerk in 2018.  

As County Clerk, she is responsible for the county records, including all deeds, vital records, marks and brands, court records from the county courts, Commissioners Court records and elections. 

 In addition to the restoration project, Chambers has been actively updating the county databases, making more records accessible for research on the internet.  

She grew up in Dayton, Texas, and attended Dayton High School. After graduating from the engineering school at Texas A&M University in 1982, she worked several years in the computer industry. She graduated from the S.M.U Dedman School of Law in Dallas and has been a practicing attorney since 1997.  

Lee is married to Judge Tommy Chambers, and they live in the historic Chambers Octagon House in Liberty.  

Please attend our LCHC meeting on the 22nd and learn about many of our exciting projects in historical preservation and this interesting and valuable program to restore and archive our valuable records in Liberty County.  

For more information, please contact County Chair Linda Jamison at or 936-334-5813.