Trivium Club News
The Trivium Club met on May 10 at the home of Ange Payne, with hostess duties shared by Misty Riley and Amy Milentz. Members enjoyed the annual salad and dessert social for the final meeting of the club year.
Scholarship winners were awarded checks by member Margaret Gambill to Landon Riley, son of Mike and Misty Riley, and Cameron Payne, son of Ange and Mike Payne. The members enjoyed hearing about the boys’ honors in Liberty High School and their future plans for college.
President Riley presided over the business meeting and led the club in the pledges to the flags, and the club collect. Associate member Susan Allison installed the new officers for the 2022-2024 club year, presenting a clever program with herb gifts to outgoing and incoming officer with explanations of the theme associated with each herb and the responsibilities attached to each office. The new officers are Alana Inman, president; Julie Hubley, 1st vice-president; 2nd vice-president Debbie Dugger; Treasurer, Julie Hebert; Roberta Thornton, recording secretary; Beverly Davis, corresponding secretary; Margaret Gardzina, reporter; and Misty Riley, parliamentary.
The meetings for the Club will resume in September.