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Court Continues to Tweak Subdivision Regs

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ANAHUAC – Chambers County Commissioners Court reviewed subdivision regulations again during its Jan. 28 meeting. As more subdivisions are developed within the county, the need for clarifications on key points has arisen. 

Discussed was the proposed provision for detention ponds that are smaller in diameter but deeper. Commissioners, along with county graduate engineer Zachary Vogler talked about certain situations where the property being developed was too small for the conventional size detention pond required. 

Also discussed was the state of Texas provision for up to 1,000 homes permitted in a subdivision with a single entrance/exit.  

 Commissioner Pct. 1 Jimmy Gore expressed his concerns about that many dwellings constructed under those circumstances. He suggested, instead, a provision of up to 500 homes in a subdivision with a single entrance/exit. 

Vogler said a Public Hearing will be scheduled before additional changes are made to the document. 

In other matters, the court approved a memorandum of Understanding with Goose Creek Independent School District for a 7.5-acre drainage easement. The land allotted by GCISD will help improve drainage in the area of Chambers Parkway and nearby school property. 

County Clerk Heather Hawthorne presented plans for Chambers County Day at the Capitol on Feb. 12. She spoke of changes made for the two-day event to simplify the visit to Austin. 

“We have really made a good name for ourselves the last 25 years,” she said. 

“We used to have to tell the legislature where Chambers County was, but not anymore,” she said. 

The court discussed purchasing a $598,000 electronic billboard and audio package for White Park Arena. Gore said he had been soliciting sponsors to help fund the expense but has been unsuccessful. 

Parks Director John Parrott told the court the large billboard would be a very positive tool, especially during Youth Project Show, but felt the purchase “is too big for us right now.” 

Commissioner Pct. 3 Tommy Hammond reminded the court that the $1 million in Certificates of Obligation was to be used for a show barn at White Park. 

The court ultimately decided to pull the item for more information. 

The court also discussed construction of six pickleball courts at Winnie-Stowell Park but also decided to pull the agenda item until more information is gathered. 

Under public comments, longtime Progress reporter and former General Manager Sue Hawthorne announced her retirement from the newspaper. She spoke of all she had learned about the county through the years by covering Commissioners Court meetings and thanked the court for its efforts in meeting the demands of a growing county. 

For complete coverage of the Jan. 28 Commissioners Court meeting, go to