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Commissioners discuss drainage improvements, other business

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    The Chambers County Commissioners Court voted to rename Highway 1405 to Adrian Coombs Highway in honor of Coombs, who was killed while cycling on that highway.

ANAHUAC – Chambers County Commissioners are moving forward on plans to clear out blockages in private ditches throughout the county in an effort to move drainage water. 

The ditches in question are connected to public drainage ditches constructed or maintained by the county, and such blockages are having a material adverse impact on how the county's public drainage system functions. Such blockages substantially decrease or stop water flow through the ditches during heavy rainfall events in county. 

Citing Section 254.008 of the Texas Transportation Code, the county notified residents that if they allow the blockage of private ditches on their property, the county will remove the blockage.  

The process involves notifying the property owner and presenting the offending ditch and blockage to commissioners' court for approval. The cycle will take approximately 50 days before the county will start to clean the ditches to regain a proper water flow. Blockage means an accumulation of trash or vegetation that prevents water flow. 

The commissioners voted unanimously to award Needlepoint Road North Segments A&B and Chambers Parkway Canal Crossing to Carter Construction, LLC, in the amount of $4,245,683.85. This construction is Needlepoint Road from Kilgore Parkway north to the I10 frontage road. This also includes a canal crossing over the Coastal Water Authority, affecting the Barbers Heights subdivision. 

In a vote of 3-1, with Commissioner Hammond being the 'nay' vote, funding for the Bradley House renovations was approved in an amount not to exceed $415,000. The Bradley House location will be the location for the Chambers County Historical Commission.  

Commissioner Hammond argued that the structure required too much work and that the historic commission could be located somewhere else. The work required includes HVAC, electrical and leveling. Hammond stated that he would not have voted to purchase the house if he had researched the structure's condition more. 

The Chambers County Historical Commission has not had a permanent home since its location was required for a Justice of the Peace office. The Bradley House is located on Miller Street in Anahuac, across from City Hall.  

According to Sheryl Shaw, local historian and head of the county historical commission, the house was built in 1902. The original owner, Garland Johnson, is responsible for bringing the canal and rice farming to our area. 

Sheriff Brian Hawthorne received approval to hire 2025 budgeted Jailers and School Resource Officer positions during the 2024 Fiscal Year.  

Hawthorne stated that all vacancies in the jail are filled, but he requested approval to hire additional jailers before the end of 2024 while he has qualified applicants. He plans to use salary money from vacancies in 2024 and 2025 budgeted salary money to hire one school resource officer. 

The court approved an Interlocal Agreement between Chambers County and Liberty County for the housing of female inmates in the new female jail facility in Anahuac. Liberty County will pay Chambers County $90 per day per inmate. 

In other matters: Cobb, Fendley & Associates, Inc. was authorized to perform a Feasibility Study in the amount of $5,000 to determine whether the Community Building located off Gordon Speer - Chambers Parkway can be served by Chambers County Municipal Utility District No. 1. 

Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. were approved to provide architectural and engineering design services for a New Community Center facility in West Chambers County located off Gordon Speer - Chambers Parkway for $360,000.00. 

Rachal Hisler requested that the District Clerk's office pursue offering charitable donations to Chambers County Veterans Association as an option when received and subsequently donating their juror pay. The court approved the request and instructed Patty Henry, District Clerk, to investigate adding the option. 

By unanimous vote, Highway 1405 will be renamed Adrian Coombs Highway in honor of Adrian Coombs, who was killed while cycling on that highway. 

Winnie Thrift Shop's 50' setback for Catholic Charities will be reexamined to find a workaround for the setback requirement. The shop is located on a major highway. 

Court approved renovating the Chambers County golf course putting greens by Greenscape for $162,230 

A new van for seniors was approved for $100,000.