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APS Holds Ribbon-Cutting, Cornerstone Ceremony

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    Members of the Anahuac ISD community celebrated the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new Primary School campus over the weekend.
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    The Anahuac Masonic Lodge #995 AF & AM members conducted a cornerstone levelling ceremony during Saturday's events at APS.

ANAHUAC — The community came out just days after the start of the school year to celebrate the opening of the school district's newest campus. 

Anahuac Primary School opened its doors Aug. 24 to give the community an opportunity to see the bright, innovative facility close-up.  

Members of the community gathered outside for a quick ribbon cutting and then attended a presentation inside the new gymnasium.  

Students Will, Anna Claire and Luke Roggenbuck helped lead Interim Superintendent Dr. Cody Abshier in the pledges to the American and Texas flags.  

Anahuac ISD Board President Dr. John Redman expressed his gratitude for the new facility.  

"We are thankful to God for this day and for life," he said.  

"We are also thankful to the voters of Anahuac ISD for approving this bond."  

Dr. Redman also praised the efforts that went into creating the beautiful school to be designed especially for the young children who will attend. APS serves pre-kindergarten through second grade.  

Deputy Superintendent Daniel Andrews spoke of the values that will be a part of the APS experience.  

"Whatsoever you do for the least of these, you are doing for His eternal kingdom," he added, quoting a passage by Christ.  

"We have created an educational environment we can all be proud of," Andrew said.  

"This school belongs to all of us," said APS Principal Amanda Aslin.  

"It will be an environment of inspiration, achievement and success."  

The event on Saturday also included a cornerstone levelling ceremony by the Anahuac Masonic Lodge #995 AF & AM.  

Members of the organization spoke on the laying of cornerstones throughout the ages and the practice of the Masons laying cornerstones over the past 300 years.  

They spoke of the corn, wine and oil used during the ceremony - corn for nourishment - wine for refreshment - oil for joy and peace.