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AMDD discusses new projects

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ANAHUAC— Anahuac Municipal Development District continued discussions for future projects, including beautification and a new city entrance sign, and finalized details for the pickleball courts. 

On Tuesday, Feb. 18, Anahuac Municipal Development District held a regular meeting, continuing discussions from the previous meeting and introducing new projects. 

AMDD discussed a date for a ribbon cutting for the pickleball court, which opened Feb. 18. AMDD Director Monica Rodriguez and Chambers County Economic Development Director Samantha Humphrey will organize the event. AMDD will provide an update as details are finalized. 

The directors made the decision to present pickleball paddles to Chambers County Commissioners, County Judge Jimmy Sylvia and Parks and Recreation Director John Parrott on March 11 at the commissioner court’s regular session. 

The district began planning for the Day of Caring event, a community beautification project. The event is still in the planning phase and will likely take place in the spring. 

Office Manager Annette Abernathy began research for a new creative entrance sign for Anahuac, and directors made suggestions. 

Abernathy was asked to compile a list of future projects and estimated costs for each, which will be brought to the next regular session. 

Chairwoman Janice Jircik and Rodriguez provided an overview of Chambers County Day. It was Rodriguez’s first time attending the event, and she said she learned plenty and enjoyed all aspects of the experience. 

Jircik provided an update on the success of the Anahuac Education Foundation and ESA Sorority Bayou Ball. She said the silent auction items promoting the pickleball courts brought a nice amount for the hosts and the event was enjoyed by all in attendance.